flockingbird flockingbird@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

Hi! We are building a professional social network.

Where you manage your business network. Decentralised, and privacy friendly.



redPirrote@social.tchncs.de @redPirrote@social.tchncs.de

Anders C. Sørby @anderscs@snabelen.no

Grønn datanerd med interesse for #filosofi, #matematikk, #programmering :nixos:, #vitenskap og helt vanlige ting :)
#linux #foss #philosophy #functionalprogramming

lqdev @lqdev@toot.lqdev.tech

Krock @krock@social.privacytools.io

I lived around the world helping some giants as a useful idiot. I am now more selective of where I spend my efforts. I am excited to grow the federation and help the kids around me learn digital safety.

I am in northern California on the water at the base of hills. I tend a garden, paddle the bay, swing rings, and lift logs and chains when I am not developing software and loving those near me.

shanghaiwhy@hostux.social @shanghaiwhy@hostux.social

LPS @lps@masto.1146.nohost.me

Just testing my single-user instance;)

Human Bean @bean@fri.nrsk.no

Just another fellow human bean.

Albi :terminal: @albi@fosstodon.org

sysadmin, programmer, artist

an open-souceror

Radler @Monty@social.tchncs.de

Es kommt weniger darauf an, was Du bist. Viel wichtiger ist, wie Du bist. Das zeigt wer Du bist.
#fahrrad #linux #musik

Jérémy @zoriko@mamot.fr

Démocratie, RIC, logiciels et licences libres, neutralité du net, décentralisation, interopérabilité, monnaie libre, expression citoyenne et éducation populaire.
S'informer sur la monnaie libre : https://monnaielibre-gresigne.fr

TSG@mastodon.social @TSG@mastodon.social