pixtolero pixtolero@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog
Linux et autre geekeries

Nicolas @nft@blog.nft.photo

Administrateur de blog.nft.photo. — Photographe amateur et passionné avec un goût prononcé pour la photo animalière, de paysages et de spectacles pyrotechniques. — Utilisateur de darktable, Gimp et Hugin.

Miraty @miraty@social.antopie.org

Libriste Libertaire
Artisan Web PHP
Admin YunoHost d'Antopie
Site Web : https://www.antopie.org
Gitea : https://code.antopie.org/miraty
Matrix : @miraty:matrix.antopie.org

Didier Link @didierl@blog.famille-link.fr

Un blog fédéré écris en Rust, c'est un beau projet, j'adhère !!

nicooo @nicooo@framapiaf.org

Eric van der Vlist @evlist@plume.dyomedea.com

butterflyoffire @ButterflyOfFire@mstdn.fr

#FLOSS & #DataLove : jfédébétiz :)

fredg 🐡 @fredg@bsd.network

Auteur, hacker, procrastineur ...

#openbsd #écriture #AutoEdition #SFFF #lecture #rock #metal #FreeCulture

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@sinblr.com

Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.

FXGhost @FXGhost@plume.ombreport.info

quadra rôliste écologiste humaniste

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@humblr.social

Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.

John @John@fediverse.blog