Articles tagged "Plume"

Quarto Crescente


How to follow another user from another instance of Plume or WriteFreely

Making it easier to contribute to Plume

Automated deployments, live translation, and better contribution guides


A bit about yours truly

New Plume Alpha

After a few months without publishing about Plume, we are pleased to announce that a new alpha version has been released today.

Ré-ouverture de mon blog photo

Nouveau départ sur `La plume photographique`

testing in production


Test des médias sur Plume

Avec un sous-titre pour tester un peu plus

Entrée dans la fédération

Mon premier vrai post sur Plume

Ein spannendes Jahr mit vielen Ereignissen

Aus Golfersicht gesehen

Following the same person on different platforms

Will there be many platforms or one all-in-one platform?

Hé Hé! Vive Plume!