Articles tagged "Privacy"

Curated /etc/host

performance, security & privacy

Passwort Strategie

Üder die Wahl eines sicheren Passwortes, die richtige Nutzung eines Passwortmanagers und weiterführende Themen wie 2FA sowie die Catch-All und Präfix Strategien.

password-store, mudar chave GPG

short tutorial about GPG key change to encrypt passwords

XMPP, entrar en salas de conversa pública

titorial simple para utilizar o cliente Conversations


encrypt your cloud files for good

CryFS para ficheiros na nube

cryfs, ferramenta para a intimidade dos teus datos no ordenador de outra persoa

GPG, intregrar cifrado en xestor de ficheiros

engadir un menú contextual ao click do botón secundario para Nautilus e Dolphin

Using uMatrix to replace NoScript

Device and Personal Privacy Technology Roundup for SCaLE

google at work

how dots are connected

Non nos rastrexes!!

do not track us, info