Leaked Labour Report How insiders Worked to Make Labour Lose - 12 April 2020


The more you read of the leaked report into the way a bunch of abusive and entitled right-wingers in key positions sabotaged the Labour Party, the angrier you get.

Under former General Secretary Ian McNicol the disciplinary team deliberately ignored antisemitism issues, creating a huge backlog of cases, which were then blamed on Jeremy Corbyn by the very people who created the backlog.

McNicol got a peerage as a reward for this sabotage.

They endlessly used misogynistic and racist language to talk about female and black Labour MPs. They also regularly used mental health slurs to attack Corbyn allies within the Labour Party "total mentalist", "nutter" and ordinary Labour Party members "nutters" and "nut jobs".

These right-wingers continually referred to ordinary Labour Party members as "trots", they described the popular policy of rail renationalisation as "trots doing what trots do", and they repeatedly intervened to prevent genuine socialists from becoming Labour parliamentary candidates.

During the 2015 leadership election they orchestrated a mass purge of Labour Party members which they described as "trot hunting", "trot bashing", and "trot spotting". They admitted that what they were doing was social media "stalking", and expressed concerns about how they would be perceived if anyone trawled through their social media posts in the way they were doing to others.

When someone set up a "Stop the Labour Purge" Facebook page in response to this, one of them called Dan Hogan fantasised about “getting even by just purging everyone who shared it”.

When Corbyn won the leadership election they discussed how much they hated Jeremy Corbyn and fantasised about someone showing too much support for Jeremy Corbyn "being shot".

They also fantasised about the Labour MPs who nominated Corbyn during the original 2015 leadership election getting "taken out and shot".

Ali Mousavvi and a press officer called Sarah Brown discussed "hanging and burning" Jeremy Corbyn.

They also discussed how they would like a young Labour Party activist to "die in a fire" and how they wouldn't piss on him to put it out.

They plotted how they could deliberately disrupt the Labour leadership, with one of them proposing "doing a work to rule thing", another talking about "coming into the office and doing nothing for months", and another admitting that their internal sabotage plan was "gonna be brutal and take forever".

Within weeks of Corbyn becoming leader they were already plotting the "Anyone But Corbyn" coup they eventually launched after the Brexit result came in.

When Corbyn refused to resign and Owen Smith was put forward as the Anyone But Corbyn candidate, they ridiculed and insulted him too. They also ridiculed and abused numerous other Labour MPs from Emily Thornberry to Andy Burnham (who was clearly too left-wing for their tastes!)

Emilie Oldknow, Executive Director of Governance, Membership and Party Services discussed how she would rig the selection process for the Manchester Gorton by-election in 2017 by ensuring her allies had a majority on the selection panel.

They admitted using Tom Watson to leak confidential Labour Party documentation to the press.

During the 2017 General Election they devised a plan to deliberately lose the election in order to make Tom Watson Labour leader by default, which McNicol codenamed "Operation Cupcake".

During the election campaign they did another go slow, chatting amongst themselves about how they were simply pretending to do any work.

They diverted party funds away from marginal seats to bankroll the campaigns of their own favoured MPs like Tom Watson.

They spread anti-Islamic conspiracy theories in the wake of the two terrorist attacks during the 2017 election campaign, and fantasised about how the Manchester Arena Bombing would hopefully cause the Corbyn surge to falter.

During the election campaign Ian McNicol compared the Labour policy of free school meals to "forced castration"!

When it became clear that their campaign of internal sabotage had failed and Labour had actually gained a load of seats in 2017, and removed Theresa May's majority, these people were absolutely horrified.

There's literally hundreds of pages of this stuff.

The three things that come through the most are the burning contempt these people have towards ordinary Labour Party members, their continual plotting against the Labour leadership in order to keep Labour out of power, and the fact that they were the ones responsible for creating the massive backlog of antisemitism cases in the first place, which they then used to attack Corbyn for.

Given that Corbyn's leadership was continually under attack from within his own party, it's absolutely incredible that Labour got within a few thousand votes of forming the government in 2017.

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