Read Recently: Animorphs and trans stuff

Megamorphs 1: The Andalite's Gift by K. A. Applegate

So I think the main difference between Megamorphs and the main Animorphs series is that Megamorphs switches between all the Animorph's perspectives? It got a bit tedious at times, and the monster seemed a bit over the top at first. But I ended up liking this one.

George by Alex Gino

It's a cute story about a trans girl being herself. A fairly typical coming out story, but I liked that while her best friend and her mum react in shitty ways at first, they both get it really soon after that and also there are other supportive people who get it right away. I thought it was a bit odd that girlhood is marked mainly by clothes that are coded as feminine, but then again, one book doesn't have to talk about all the nuances of trans existence probably. That's what more books about trans people are there for.

Tranny by Laura Jane Grace

Autobiographies by trans people, yay! I had no idea what to expect since I'm not really an Against Me! fan. Sure, I've listened to Transgender Dysphoria Blues a lot because Laura Jane Grace yelling about trans things is such a mood, but I didn't really know much about the band before that album.

Well… I got an extensive historical overview from this book. It was odd to read, a few times I asked myself what I was doing, but overall it was really enjoyable to just… learn about a band I don't even really listen to that much. Between all the band history the painful story of Laura coming out as a woman to herself and others, and the the things that happened after that.

Gosh I was so glad to read in the last chapter that things changed for the better, and that her anarchist approach could win over all the shame and pain surrounding her transness. Also, gosh, did I feel all that hatred for gatekeepers of body mods. Ugh.