Moving the website - there will be some downtime

Plume was alright but

Whattup GAMERS

So I've decided to move to a install. You all probably don't care about this but what it does mean is that there could be a little bit of site downtime. Also when the site comes back I will be using a subdomain, probably

The real reason we're moving is that Plume has some problems. Things like being difficult to get image embedding to work, you can't edit the title nor subtitle after saving a post as a draft or else the URL in the fedi post goes to the wrong place, and other minor inconvieniences.

These are surmountable problems, however the hosting for our Plume instance was provided to me for free from a friend using spare AWS credit that expires in like 5 days. So if I am to keep using plume on the root of then I would have to migrate the whole instance to some new hosting that I would pay for myself. Plume doesn't take much resources but if I am going to go through all of this effort then it's worth considering what the other options are. Also my 2nd child is going to be born in like 2-4 weeks from now; I'm not going to have time for this. Hence why I'm going the route (paying them to host their product for me) and not the write.freely route (hosting software on my own hosting).

I will probably make all of this happen with my next paycheck at the start of September. So I'll leave this Plume site up until the plug gets pulled. Podcast is hosted on Soundcloud and music players like iTunes, Spotify, GPlay, etc pull from Soundcloud's RSS. So there will be no interruption to our podcast's hosting.

Just bear with me friends