Fixing Your Practice Report's Shortcomings

Practice is an integral component of post-secondary education (university, secondary technical). Throughout the entire period of study, students are sent to practice three times (introductory, productive and pre-diploma), its features depend on the specifics of the specialty, but a report on the passage of practice is required from all students, without exception. This means that a large portion of them is compelled to pay someone to write my paper if they are not in a position to be able to write it themselves.


For this activity, the student necessarily receives an assessment, which is put in the record book, and then in the supplement to the diploma, therefore, the question of which deficiencies in the report affect the overall result always remains relevant.


Disadvantages of the content of the report


What mistakes are most often made when drawing up a report on practice? The variety of them is huge, but with help from you can fix all of them before handing the report in. The content of the report depends on the following factors:

  • the specialty of the student-trainee, the differences between the reports of the humanities and technicians are especially pronounced;
  • place of internship;
  • type of practice;
  • Course of Study;
  • requirements of an individual faculty or department.


Despite such an impressive number of aspects influencing the content of the reports, their structural framework is the same:

  • title page;
  • introduction;
  • the main part (its features depend on the factors indicated above, primarily on the specialty);
  • conclusion;
  • bibliography;
  • applications (documents prepared by the student during the practice).


Let's consider the possible shortcomings of the main structural parts that you can fix by gaining additional time if you hire a company to take my online class for me high school instead of you. Here are some common structural parts errors:

  1. Introduction:
    • missing any of its mandatory elements (goals, objectives or relevance);
    • most of the introduction consists of "water", and the information content is minimal;
    • inconsistency with the topic of practice.
  2. Main part. The peculiarities of its content should be sought in the teaching aids of individual departments, which the head of the practice recommends before passing it. However, there are “universal” mistakes that most students make:
    • superficial disclosure of key issues;
    • going beyond the topic;
    • inclusion of information "off topic" in the report, this technique is usually used by students who remember the report on the last day and try to fill it out with at least something;
    • lack of graphs, diagrams, tables in the reports of students of technical specialties.
  3. Conclusion (conclusions):
    • inconsistency of this part with the main sections and the introduction;
    • the conclusions are incomplete, do not reflect the fulfillment of all the tasks set in the introduction.
  4. In the list of references, the most common meaningful mistake is the discrepancy between sources and the topic of practice and the report as a whole. They are used to "fill" the amount, but one must remember that this is a gross drawback.

More resources:
How to Make Your Abstract Look Good
Tips for Organizing Your Studies and Work Online
Abstract Outline: Tips for Writing and Formatting
Abstract Concept And How To Write It
Introductory Practice: What Is It And Where Does It Take Place?