What to Expect

Taking submissions now!

One of the biggest hurdles the FediVerse has to overcome right now is highlighting quality content in the ocean of spam. This isn't unique to our platforms, however as a relatively new and small community, we still face this issue a lot more than more established sites. The purpose of this blog is to promote and highlight creators who create thought-provoking and substantive content and aggregate them into one place where potential fans can find them.

What constitutes "substantive content?"

Substantive content is consisted of four parts: quality, consistency, novelty, and derivability.

Quality refers to both presentation and the actual meat of the content. Does your work reflect both professionalism and effort on your part?

Consistency refers to the ability to upkeep the level of content, more specifically in terms of density as opposed to time. Ultimately, a page that is consisted of high quality content spread across gaps of multiple months comes off as more consistent than a page that finds its quality content drowned out by frequent, thoughtless content.

Novelty refers to its place in the FediVerse as a whole. Does this need to exist? Does it fill a niche that has not been extensively tapped or bring something new to an existing genre?

Derivability refers to how the audience is able to interact with the work itself. Is there room for inspiration? Can people build off of this idea to help the community as a whole?

What platforms are accepted?

  • PeerTube (Video)

  • FunkWhale (Audio)

  • Plume (Blogging)
  • PixelFed (Visual Art)

Exceptions may be made for Matrix rooms and Mastodon accounts on occasion, however they must demonstrate the four characteristics of substantive content; for example, a personal Mastodon would not be accepted, but a Mastodon created for the purpose of an ARG might be.

What instances do you recommend to upload my stuff?

  • Plume at fediverse.blog

What will the reviews look like?

Reviews will mostly comprise of a brief overview, followed by the creator's statements (if they are available for contact), and my own thoughts as an audience member. I do not intend to score anything, just stir conversation and provide links.

Can I submit others' content for review?

Yes you can as long as the content is being hosted by them. This means you can recommend a content creator you like, however you cannot re-host others' work or pass it off as your own.

Where can I submit content?

DM me at tomat0@mastodon.social. If you are suggesting someone else's self-hosted work, please also include their contact information in your DM.