ahangarha ahangarha@fediverse.blog
Mimhe@mastodon.social @Mimhe@mastodon.social
دانیال بهزادی @danialbehzadi@persadon.com
یاروی اوبونتو
V@h!d @s_vahid_h@behmerd.ir
Senior IT expert at South Pars Gas Company's HQ.
I'm a Computer science enthusiast, GNU/LINUX lover, UNIX philosophy and free software advocate.
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Inshah Malik @inshahmalik@mastodon.social
Assist Professor at Kardan University- Former Fox Fellow at Yale University- Author: Muslim Women, Agency and Resistance Politics: The Case of Kashmir
احسان @Ehsan63@persadon.com
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سیما @SiMA@persadon.com
hkalbasi @hkalbasi@fediverse.blog
AliReza Fereydouni - علیرضا فریدونی @arf1372@fediverse.blog
AuNi @AuNi@mastodon.social
مصطفی آهنگرها @ahangarha@mas.to
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Ahmad Haghighi @haghighi@fediverse.blog
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