Ewen occupé 🚽 ewen@mastodon.host

Open on mastodon.host

#plancton #symbiose #bioinformatique #génomique #océan #tara #cyanobactéries
Mais aussi (et surtout ?) : #Batucada chez #Muleketu, #Podcast addict, #coureur (à pied) et heureux propriétaire d'une #imprimante3D. J'♥ le #libre, le #partage et la disposition #bépo


UnkleBonehead @UnkleBonehead@fediverse.blog

Just a truck driving, podcasting, guitar playing dad that loves indie music and FOSS. I'm not a coder or a hacker. Nor do I know enough of any one thing to be an expert in. I am a Linux user that uses it daily because I believe in the philosophy and I don't have to know how to code to use it. I am your end user! Making my world go to self hosting and entering into the Fediverse.