Federation Bot federationbot@mastodon.host
Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.
Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).
I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !
If you don't feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I'll do it :)
If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !
If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !
Other commands are private :)
Aster @Aster
Site: https://asters.work | Mastodon: @Aster@colorid.es | Conjunto: xe/(eld, elz, ael)/e
Textos que tenho vontade de escrever, mas que considero agressivos ou fora do assunto demais para irem em http://orientando.org/blog ou http://ajudanhincq.wordpress.com, ou que prefiro manter num lugar mais organizado do que minhas contas no Mastodon.
Ninja @ninja@blogs.nudie.social
a nude fediverse enthusiast living in Downunder
admin of Nudie.Social fediverse services, digital privacy avocate, digital gardener, life model
UnkleBonehead @UnkleBonehead@fediverse.blog
Just a truck driving, podcasting, guitar playing dad that loves indie music and FOSS. I'm not a coder or a hacker. Nor do I know enough of any one thing to be an expert in. I am a Linux user that uses it daily because I believe in the philosophy and I don't have to know how to code to use it. I am your end user! Making my world go to self hosting and entering into the Fediverse.
ardydo @ardydo
Ana @Ana@fediverse.blog
One of the Plume developers.
pixtolero @pixtolero@fediverse.blog
Linux et autre geekeries