Hopesin hopesin@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

J'écris à propos d'écologie, d'anarchie, de liberté, d'égalité et de responsabilité. Je souffre profondément pour notre terre. J'espère un autre monde.


c10 @c10@fediverse.blog

storr @storr@fediverse.blog

jordanmorrison@koyu.space @jordanmorrison@koyu.space

Federation Bot @federationbot@mastodon.host

Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !

If you don't feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I'll do it :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !

Other commands are private :)

Dominique Feyer @dfeyer@social.ttree.ch

Father, co-founder of ttree.ch and medialib.tv, content management expert, devops fanboy, open source contributor, Neos CMS & Flow Framework team member; permaculture, anarchist, commons