Zéro Janvier zerojanvier@fediverse.blog
Blogueur. Lecteur obsessionnel, sériephile assidu, cinéphile occasionnel, amateur de comics. Citoyen engagé.
Egalement présent sur Mastodon : zerojanvier@mamot.fr
Albakham ✅ @albakham@miaou.drycat.fr
"There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!"
Richard P. Feynman
J'ai un blog ici https://www.geber.ga
#libriste français et #activiste pour le #climat 🍃
:archlinux: #archlinux :heart:
Je parle
🇫🇷 • 🇬🇧 • 🇪🇸
Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@humblr.social
Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.
Miraty @miraty@social.antopie.org
Libriste Libertaire
Artisan Web PHP
Admin YunoHost d'Antopie
Site Web : https://www.antopie.org
Gitea : https://code.antopie.org/miraty
Matrix : @miraty:matrix.antopie.org
Mathilde @Mathilde@catlife.drycat.fr
MalloKRL @MalloKRL@mamot.fr
Quelque chose comme Ian Malcolm le jour. Et au crépuscule, passe mon temps à le perdre à des occupations inutiles.
C'est souvent les plus importantes.
Raph @raph@dissidents.social
Explorateur, écolo, vidéaste, photographe, blogueur (amateur).
Vivre libre ou mourir.
Clov @ClovisGauzy@mamot.fr
Régisseur / Éclairagiste / Photographe / Blader
— Full Stack Kiddy à temps perdu —
MalloKRL@qoto.org @MalloKRL@qoto.org
French postdoc researcher studying dynamical systems, chaos, neuroscience and emergence.
Musician, rapper, reader, writer and anarcho-curious.
CapsLock @capslock@social.cloudfrancois.fr
Minuit :emo: @PhieLaidMignon@cornichon.me
Main dev of @Carnet et effroyable gauchiste 🏳️🌈
Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@sinblr.com
Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.