Articles tagged "Internet"
Tories to Pass Law Creating a 'State Speech Regulator' for Online Communication & Media
United Kingdom continues down the oppressive road to a dictatorial system. Legislation of thought, speech, information. UK looses grip on it's freedom & democracy daily.
A brief history of HTTP and current pitfalls of HTTP/3
The history of HTTP, the current issues with HTTP/3, and why I'm discontinuing support for HTTP/3 for now
:: China :: Eilmeldung! Hongkongs Regierung nimmt Auslieferungsgesetz zurück
Blogeintrag vom 4. September 2019
:: China :: Hongkong: Offener Brief an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
Blogeintrag vom 4. September 2019
:: China :: Wichtig! KPC hat offensichtlich bürgerkriegsähnliche Zustände in Hongkong heraufbeschworen
Blogeintrag vom 31. August 2019
Vignette Of A Neighborhood Captain
This is a crude example of the kind of swarming we will need to do in order to build our network from the grass-roots. It will never be this straightforward, but critical roles and strategies are explored in this vignette.