Articles tagged "Linux"
Raspbian Lite SSH aktivieren
Wie man niemals eine Tastatur und einen Monitor an den Raspberry Pi anschließen muss
Meine Linux-Wiki Favoriten
Das ArchLinux Wiki, Gentoo Wiki und das Ubuntuusers Wiki
AppImages sind nicht Flatpak oder Snap
Warum AppImages für den eigenen Linux-Desktop ungeeignet sind
Ricing the i3 Tiling Window Manager
For the longest time I would try to use i3 but failed to do so because of how ugly the unriced vanilla version looked. this post will help you recreate my i3 rice and learn how to make your own.
Should you migrate from Linux to BSD? It depends.
A response to "Why you should migrate everything from Linux to BSD"
When Linux Finally Looks Beautiful
I've been using Windows, then Linux… then MaxOSX. I've actually been quite happy about the last 2 OS. However, Mac has been disapointing lately on some point and that make me curious about what was Linux like in 2020