UnkleBonehead UnkleBonehead@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

Just a truck driving, podcasting, guitar playing dad that loves indie music and FOSS. I'm not a coder or a hacker. Nor do I know enough of any one thing to be an expert in. I am a Linux user that uses it daily because I believe in the philosophy and I don't have to know how to code to use it. I am your end user! Making my world go to self hosting and entering into the Fediverse.


Hanako90s@mstdn.jp @Hanako90s@mstdn.jp

セックスを探しています。 ここに書いてください http://badoogirls.com/id8389 私のニックネーム "MoonaMo"

ale @ale@social.hatthieves.es

master of this instance 🆙

LWFlouisa @LWFlouisa@cafe.sunbeam.city

I am a poet, short story, novellette, and novella writer. Genres in the past I've written include Time Travel, Post Apocalyptic, Cyberpunk, and GameLit. I briefly ventured into Slipstream, and now circling back into writing GameLit fiction with literary elements.

Nowadays I simply want to write, and not worry about genre.

Mike @mike@firebreathingduck.io

parent, spouse, software dev, free software enthusiast, lefty-commie-anarchist, pro-LGBTQ+ rights, anti-Islamophobia, pro-immigrants

Eastern US.

Hanami91w@mstdn.jp @Hanami91w@mstdn.jp

セックスを探しています。 ここに書いてください http://badoogirls.com/id8389 私のニックネーム "MoonaMo"

Thomas Alves @tomasalves8@mastodon.social

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@humblr.social

Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.

john3ipper @john3ipper@plume.nixnet.xyz

Talk to me (Mastodon or Pleroma): @john@social.net.ua (=> https://social.net.ua/john)

Subscribe to my Plume's blogs (do it from your Plume's acc, or Mastodon, or Pleroma): @john3ipper@plume.nixnet.xyz

More Contacts => https://wheretofind.me/@jt

Ewen occupé 🚽 @ewen@mastodon.host

#plancton #symbiose #bioinformatique #génomique #océan #tara #cyanobactéries
Mais aussi (et surtout ?) : #Batucada chez #Muleketu, #Podcast addict, #coureur (à pied) et heureux propriétaire d'une #imprimante3D. J'♥ le #libre, le #partage et la disposition #bépo

Federation Bot @federationbot@mastodon.host

Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !

If you don't feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I'll do it :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !

Other commands are private :)

Open Science 🧪 @openscience@mastodon.social

Science must be opened — because science opens everything else!

Sapere aude!

#science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy