Just For Fun ~JustForFun@blog.bka.li
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Ich schreib hier einfach alles rein, was für Mastodon zu groß ist. Erwartet also keine bestimmte Thematik.
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Mein weiteres Vorgehen bei Hassrede. Vor allem im Bezug auf EU und DE Instanzen #FediBlock
📢 BKA.li Moderation Announcement 📢
The following instance(s) have been blocked from any BKA.li Services: tenforward.social, mastodon.art, rage.love, slime.global, hackers.town, weirder.earth #fediblock
The controversial document
Ohhh, the poor interpersonal-affective psychopathic jerks feel so bullied by the document that they have to start a flimsy fundraising campaign for cyberbullying right away … mimimi – And what they do is not bullying? It's absolutely normal to publish private, and personal information to make others in society appear bad because their own inferior ego can't be big enough.
Was lange währt …
… und so weiter
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