FavStarMafia favstarmafia@lorem.club

Open on lorem.club

Ein Blog von @favstarmafia@social.anoxinon.de (Mastodon) - Matrix: @favstarmafia:bau-ha.us - XMPP: favstarmafia@anoxinon.me


Jeybe @jeybe@social.tchncs.de

Don't be evil.

Don di Dislessia (Moderatore) @favstarmafia@social.anoxinon.de

Moderator für social.anoxinon.de :mastodon: :fediverse:
FOSS Messenger :matrix: :xmpp: :tux:
Anfänger Admin :nxc:

j.r @jr@social.wiuwiu.de


Federation Bot @federationbot@mastodon.host

Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !

If you don't feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I'll do it :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !

Other commands are private :)

Jeybe :tux: :anxde: @jeybe@social.anoxinon.de

Don't be evil.

R. Fox :antifa: @ckeen@vernunftzentrum.de

he/him. I am the admin of vernunftzentrum.de

My old account is on https://mastodon.social/@ckeen

I like :smalltalk: , :lisp: and :chickenscheme:

Simplicdad o Muerte!

Programming simpleton.

Always off topic...
See my blog at https://pestilenz.org/~ckeen/blog/ or gopher: gopher://vernunftzentrum.de:70/1/ckeen/index.gph

KubikPixel ✍️ @kubikpixel@lorem.club

Web & App developer with 3D experiments and a Nerd with a Punk attitude. #161crew #foss #floss Ethereum (ETH): 0x73aEbc431A94458a369A49F5445116aeA6EEE1CF

Deus Figendi.jwd @deusfigendi@troet.cafe

usually active on diaspora* as deusfigendi@pod.geraspora.de

I felt I should have an account with every software in the fediverse. So here I am

He/him/his er/ihn/sein

jedi_am_mittag@social.anoxinon.de @jedi_am_mittag@social.anoxinon.de

butterflyoffire @ButterflyOfFire@mstdn.fr

#FLOSS & #DataLove : jfédébétiz :)

uɐıʇsɐqǝs @aslmx@chaos.social

Tech Enthusiast - My Avatar is a Mylodon, an extinct type of Sloth. Conclude whatever you want from this 😃
#linux #opensource #telecoms #wireless #ipv6 #technology #globetrotter #metal